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•! tv 7.*»s *'Ndw I am Khu-
,. ■ • "' ! -nil on my native heath,
. • • ' .J. m'p SasjftnachI art in
! \w> ' The suddenness of
; ..:'^-. A >. j' iipsrt poet Leech's
t- *h«t be let the deer po
i V, :• ./,.t Betamethasone Valerate Lotion Usp 0.1 a shot. Eventually,
i\ .w*' cT. i.f killed two si . /s Ly
V* ♦•Ki .:, »*-r reroilection of .vhijh
V .»' :i .i.^f of happiness lo Ijim
for St ir^ alrorwards. It was
,'" ;. -o till- visit to the i>uk*-^'s
tr'.jt Lt'fr-
and writing t( 1 ".^. .^n :
latt.-s how he ha.: \illed
^ tMitv L'*:.v r ol
biids. **No\v,*' he ad -J, '
keon on tht! I»^^.:ig, \\\ -:.
i> be good rhis \»\:r. a; v
we**k has Ix^n «'ne », /*
--pate. 'Jo ' iri.w * ho;
into them " V\%* >, ^.-j.p-
rlescribed tlx* ba* v <•: J i-^ *
general d:sarpi riiMriint, V
he had taken forty ^*^h. an.;
hock sportsman. W hat
have written should onlj whet th-
reade.-^ s appetite for more (n tr-
good ihmgs m Mr. j. G. Mill »
admirable bio;:»raphy. 1 may w
conclude with a short pas n\
from the b.ook itself, which rWr
to the cK se of the sahnon-fisbi! •
season ol 1S95 : —
** And now the door of Bowers
well closed upon him for the las>:
time. Never again would he s* .
the green terraces and yeu
hedges of his northern home.
never again the tir-\voo